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朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() now playing
朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() Monday, October 26, 2009
You guys know something? I think it is kind of a little pointless to keep on saying to meet and have gathering together but nothing is being done. I mean a proper planning should be done. So ya, I think I can be the one to start the ball rolling, yea?Ok, I think the only common times when the poly, JC and secondary school people are free is in the 3rd week of december. So I can ask if all of you fine with the 3rd week of december having an outing? The specific date is still not sure but as long as everyone's alright with that week and month to have an outing, I think the rest of the info can slowly settle. Hahas. And to facilitate things, please say which day on the week you guys can make it. Like due to band practice and things like that. Thanks! I hope the response would be good. I really do. Ann Feng:) Friday, July 10, 2009
this place is like, completely dead lor. :(and nobody posted their photos! D:< wlau, i 吃亏sia. :/ lol. Tuesday, June 02, 2009
i will be a nice person & update this place with a Limelight post. ☺
too bad we didn't take a batch picture... but i've got pictures with at least a few people. :) i shall start the ball rolling by posting up mine! everybody post your pictures up too! quick quick! ![]() JOLIN! ![]() FELICIA! OMG. ignore my face please. :( ![]() PRISCILLA! ![]() SHIHUI! ![]() TAF!(i still remember that name!) hehheh. ![]() SHERILYN! ![]() SHONA! ![]() KAIYUN! tilt your head cos i'm too lazy to rotate the pictures. LOLOL. on a random note, the links are like, super ancient! :O Thursday, May 07, 2009
YAY! may is here! :Oits... 19 days to Limelight @ Esplanade. (i think... ) jiayou everyone k! even though we're not together as a band cohort anymore. but i'll forever treasure the friendships made. (: precious, really. thank you for everything. thank you xmsb's 2008 graduates, born in the year of 1992. :D can i request for a photo-taking session on the concert day itself? :D ... if its not too much... Thursday, April 30, 2009
I am currently in school now and it's break time. And I am bored thus I decided to update this place a littleFirstly, I guess Mid year is on the way for the sec fives so all the best to you guys and study hard. Play hard for a while during the June holidays and start studying after that again. >.< Secondly, those JC's people are also having a tough time with the up coming SYF. All the best and make your school proud. Though we can't be there to support you guys, I believe you people can feel our motivation [?] for you guys. Thirdly, June holidays are coming up those who are free, who must meet up and have some fun. And also for those who can make it for the June holiday band camp, please go. I hope there is a June holiday band camp in school though I said it so confidently, I am actually not very if there's any. I do hope I can go because I having my vacation from 6/6/09 until the 29/6/09. Well, at least I know that my vacation is almost the same as those in secondary school and JCs so I hope we can meet up more often!^^ [No link, I know.] Lastly, stay healthy people especially with the swine flu going on these days. If you're sick, poeple see the doctor don't be a hero because hero die early. Hahas, That's all people! Wednesday, April 22, 2009
:O long time this blog was updated huh. :/oh well, everybody's busy now, doing our own stuffxz. jiayou everyone k! (: Thursday, April 02, 2009