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朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() now playing
朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() Friday, June 30, 2006
ATTENTION:there is band practice tommorrow. same time same place. (duh?) okaze. those sectwos who are selected for the Youth Symphonic Band pls listen up!! since we have band practice tommorrow, we will go to nanyang jc from xinmin. so we have to take 147 to serangoon bus interchange and take 105. so anyone wants to go together or dunno how to go? we can go together. tell me by 2mr morning during band practice. okaze?? hais. so long ppl never update ler. finally get de chance to update. i change my blog's link already. those ppl who cant get into my blog, dun worry. its not ur com's fault. LOLS. so my link: www.-realiityhurts.blogspot.com wahahahas. okaze. i stop blabbering my rubbish lers. cya tommorow... shona XD Friday, June 23, 2006
last 2 days of school le... mux jia you went school re-open..crapped by priscilla Saturday, June 17, 2006
YOZ PEOPLE ! the band camp finally over liao. everyone have fun? sld be bahh. i thought there was no fire drills in the first place but then at around 4+ some seniors started shouting FIRE FIRE ! then i realized that there is fire drills. LOL ! everyone's shoes were all being mixed together bahh. i also cant find mine. but i only can found one of my slipper. but then when we all woke up in the morning we all found our shoes back to normal. LOL ! placed porperly. THANKS ALL THOSE SENIORS ! who start and end the mess. LOL ! the graduating ceremary i think quite alot of people cried bahh. dont be sad anymore le lahh. now what we sld do is practice more liao. syf is just next year lehh. everyone LETS ALL WORK HARD AND PRACTICE HARD TOGETHER BAHH ! we sld can de. hahas. the performance of the third day i think suck bahh. veryone was nervous pressure were given. all fm mr tan. mr tan you are the one who pull our confident down. and you were also the one who give us all the confident. HAIS ! dun wanna talk about it liao. too much pressure. but i think the trumpet din quite a good job bahh. RELLY ! i think they were the best lahh. cos mr tan said so. they were up at his stranded. HAIS ! dun be sad anymore. GUYS WORK HARD NOW ! x))YIYINGG> Friday, June 16, 2006
reminder to all brass players: there will be brass tutorial this monday.. 3pmheyys.. everybody, dun be dishearten by the words that mr tan said to you guys on wednesday.. wad is over is over.. now we mux look forward... continue practising and we can strive for the best.. syf next year le.. mux jia you horx... 'there will be miracles when you believe' [priscilla]
Saturday, June 10, 2006
YAY ! balloon hat festival is over. and i think we did quite well. right? should be lahh. we screamed right? we have fun ! xD band camp is cuming liao. 2 more days ! i cant wait till it happened ! im so excited. i think all of you also excited bahh. this is the only chance to make the sec 1s feel as they are one big family ! amd let them feel as they were one of them. never let them feel out of place. clarinet shouldnt be a problem lahh. such a big family. flute lehh. one guy one girl also can de lahh. double reeds more good one person nia though multi racial but still can mix well together. french horn, sure can de. cos got peggy solo all. HAHAS ! euphonium also can de. jiayou. trombone also can, cos they seniors look kind. trumpet. all guys? michelle and felicia ! hahas. you know wad i mean eh? LOL ! tuba. aiya got yaochen the lame lame de sure can de lahh. and percussion i think we know them quite well liao. HEES ! everyone have a nice camp. xDYIYINGG. <3 Thursday, June 08, 2006
heys. i think i've solve the links part le. but im taking some codes from this blog for my own blog k?, hope you guys don mind. enjoy your day. and can more pple post?.. lyk someone update on our practices and stuffs.username:sectwo password:********* yupp. thats all. takkire -elaine was here for the 1 night overstay. pls remember all theese. 1. 1set of sch t-shirt 2. SUFFICIENT undergarments 3. 1set of home clothes 4. toiletries 5. sleeping bag 6.torchlight 7. mug* 8. utensils* 9. medication 10. pencil and notebook *dont bring first. need double check. dont forget hor. takkire peeps. i love you guys. :) love; elaine Friday, June 02, 2006
i noe this is abit late larhs. budden still....REMINDER TO ALL BAND MEMBERS remember to wear black pants wid pe nd hawaii shirt 2mr. bring urre bells. rest well 2nite coz we r gg 2 be veri tired 2mr. drink lots of water coz we gg 2 scream nd shout 2mr. ermms. be enthu 2mr. play hard. have fun shan was here :)) heys. i've remove the password thingy. and changed the song. pls give me comments on the song. -elaine Thursday, June 01, 2006
hellos peeps.balloon hats rehearsal has ended and its time to look forward to the actual performance. black long pants and hawaii tee is needed. so do get them. tml there is band practice from 0800-1300. if we do put up a great performance, we can go home earlier. which means tat those who are going bugis can go earlier. so jiayou wor! ohya. can we add a credits part for the pple who did this skin. cos i wan noe who did tis. hahas. -elaine was here :) |