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朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() now playing
朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() Monday, December 25, 2006
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!enjoy your christmas people priscilla just crapped Friday, December 22, 2006
welcome back from band chalet.hope dat those hu wen had a gd rest. those hu didn't go to join in de nxt [mayb nxt yr?]! ;) we r becoming seniors soon. our direct juniors are coming in. i hope dat all of us can teach d juniors, whether u r d SL or not k? i noe u all will de la ^^ jus trying to make d post longer X= n i hope dat if anibody ish incharge of doing anitink. to ask if dey r duno. duno anitink ish NOT an excuse. u mus go find out if u r unsure. ask ur fellow bandmates. if nobody knows, ask de BL. do not wait till d dateline n produces notink. n once again plz practise. if u all abit sian about d pieces, work on ur fundimentals [duno how to spell X:] dat will b useful to d pieces. hope u all have fun wit ur instruments! sHihUi xD Monday, December 18, 2006
hey all! nobody's updating.and this blog is going to rot sooner or later if nobody is updating it. anyway, school is going to start in a few weeks. have you all done your holiday homework? i am quite sure there will be people saying no. hahas. so, get started on your homework now! anyway, syf will be here before you know it. so.. please go back for sectionals and self-practice. don't you want the band to get a gold for syf next year? if you are satisfied with a silver then i've got nothing to say. but just for the sake of the rest who have been practising really hard, practise. will you feel good if the band can get gold but because of one person, we achieve a silver instead? so one word: PRACTISE! i think that's all i have to say. now it is up to you to decide what you want for yourself and the band. Sunday, December 10, 2006
hey there. finally here to post.anyway, jiayou for safari and ivanhoe. we can do it, cant we? :D lets work hard guys. i expect more people to be back at the bandroom doing self-practices since we can open the bandroom EVERYDAY. we will be having auditions at the end of this month and next year in feb. so in the meantime, in these two weeks, make yourself useful by practicing your parts. :) since mr tan said we are already in the high silver standard, why dun we work harder so that mr tan can be confident and say that we can get GOLD for syf? seeing your section mates slacking? get them to the bandroom. ;) shona was here. :D Saturday, December 02, 2006
i am here to update. x) guess who?i won't reveal who i am. anyway, since all of us know that the set piece we will be playing is safari, i think all of us have to work very hard right? now mr tan says our band is only at silver standard after working with us on ivanhoe. so.. if we want to achieve a gold for SYF 2007, we have to really work very hard. furthermore, mr tan said that if by the end of this year, he finds out whoever can't play the pieces, he/she wwill not be able to participate in SYF. i am sure none of you want that to happen right? lastly, since it is the holidays, all of you will have time to spare right? so please go back to practise on your parts. anonymous blogged. xD Friday, December 01, 2006
well... i updated too.and i seriously dun noe who updated lah... -.- anyway... ppl jiayou for ivanhoe and safari?? at least i think so... (: jiayou! :D |