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朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() now playing
朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() Sunday, July 22, 2007
Wah... The family ties look so complicated now.LOL! Yiangshan- great grandmother Yiying(me)- grandmother Nigel- Uncle (my son) Shona- Aunty(daughter-in-law) Sharlene- Aunty(my daughter) Pris- Nigel's & Shona's daughter Timothy- Nigel's & Shona's son (Pris's bro) LOL?! Did I miss out anyone? No right? haha! Friday, July 20, 2007
i would like to put an error back to place.OMG, annfeng! u spelt YIANGSHAN'S NAME wrongly. its SNG YIANG SHAN lah. x.x OMG. she's going to slap you. see, im so kind to inform you lah. x.x HAHA! yepp. XINFONY VII is a success! even though i screwed up. nevermind. its over. yays! lols. have you guys enjoyed the week? hehes, i hope you did. and thanks to all the teachers in charge! thanks for the food and drinks ytd! LOL. (: and vinh so funny lah. he tried to balanced the plastic cups on the wine bottle. hehs. he did it! LOL. its quite high lah. around 7 to 8 cups. cool. den we are like laughing and getting more plastic cups! LOL. -.- den after that went to watch the graduation presentation. actually, not presentation lah. dunno how to say. -.- okays, then the pictures mostly is our batch de lor. so weird lah. as if we are the one graduating and not our seniors. ^^ hahas. and my pictures are up there. doing some crazy poses in australia. ! OMG LAH, stupid shihui didnt delete those extra pictures. (jkjk) den i malu-ed myself in front of the whole band. LIKE WTH? but the video was nice! xD ALL SENIORS: thanks for everything! (: Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hey people! Since no one wants to be the kind soul to help update, then i shall be! First, XINFONY VII is over. It was a successful night where all of us acknowledge what the graduating seniors have contributed to the band.I think that we, the sec 3's will miss them the most because we have come through all the odds together as one with them. But also not to forget the 2005 drum major, SUN YIANG SHAN! I bet all of all have seen her BIG contribution to the band and now she got to leave us, we are definitely going to miss her very much. Last but not least, we got to thank the people who have made this a successful night. The band leader this year! Indeed, they have put in a lot of effort in making this concert a meaningful and successful ones. CLAP CLAP!! Signing off, ann feng Sunday, July 08, 2007
heys all!xinfony VII is in 5 days! jiayou okays? work hard! xD we will enjoy ourselves on that day! xP we will be very high and we will play to our best! x)) go go go! remember.. your seniors are graduating. so do some things! xP all the best! sher here! x] |