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朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() now playing
朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() Tuesday, April 29, 2008
For people who are having Mid-Year Examination/O Level Prelims/Common Tests... etc... JIA YOU! ❤, Y.T. Monday, April 21, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERILYN! ♥PS: you better see this! :D hehheh. Thursday, April 17, 2008
i type a uber long post and it is gone.nvm. i shall retype it again. mye's are round the corner, & literally round. it just turns at the corner and it will hit you. so if you are reading this, go study now! or you can read finish this post first. :) band members must second the school, cos hornists will top the school. too bad my section comes first. :D all 4hcl, hmt paper 1 is still important, don't think don't need to study. if you haven't cut out your newspaper articles, congratulations. cos i haven't too. & we have officially 12 days to cut them out and read! all 4cl, must clear your chinese o's then can laugh at us cos you can take one lesser subject in oct. all 4normal, i don't know what papers are you all taking. but nvm, all the best to everyone of you for your myes. if any of you need motivation to study, you can ring me up or msg me to date me out to study! cos i need the motivation too. & we can all go wild at the end of the year! -Priscilla Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008
since sherilyn updated,i shall add something. i went blog hopping just now. i saw many many ppl writing on their blogs, saying that xinfony is boring. =/ makes me feel even sadder y'know. though we've graduated, & that makes me sad, its just. aish, you get what i mean lah, hor. okay, nevermind. i shan't rant here. LOL. i shall rant it on my blog intead, that is, if i'm hardworking enough to update there! (: till then, i wish everyone a happy graduation & good luck in your future endeavours! :) with ♥, SHARLENE. Saturday, April 05, 2008
heys all.xinfony is over. and we didnt get to take a batch photo. ): but never mind. we shall take on on homecoming day! must remember to take okays? i feel sad that i have officially graduated. cannot go back to the band room so often already. and it feels weird without band practices anymore. >.< i miss all you guys and i'll remember all that has happened. and i can still remember our band practices in sec 1 when mr kiang took us. something that i will never forget. theory, history etc. and us playing together. pieces that we've played. do-re-me, i will follow him, ging gong gooli and some others. and of course playing those from standard of excellence! and now, we will have to put the same amount of enthusiasm that we had for band for our studies! jiayou peeps! we can get good results! all the best and do study hard! i love you all! <3 sherilyn ((: |