now playing
朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() now playing
朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() Wednesday, November 26, 2008
![]() ♥ you guys manxz. pictures will be at my blog/ my pictures are still uploading lah, so you can check it regularly these few days to see if i got upload or not lor. Sunday, November 23, 2008
okays. so i'll be the kind soul to update this blog.something to settle. but it'll be so difficult to settle here because now not many people come to see this blog already. >.< most important thing. sec 4 outing in december! most likely between 15 dec and 21 dec. preferably before 18 dec because of n level results. activity that will be going on: picnic (unless there's a better suggestion) everybody bring a dish and then we can sit and have our picnic! ((: venue: likely to be east coast park purpose: a secret for now. will contact all of you soon. so please tag on the board like when you want it and what food you want to bring. thanks loads! and to nigel, shar, shona and kaiyun. enjoy yourselves in hongkong although i know all of you will only see this when you come back. must blog of your adventures when you all are back! :D Saturday, November 01, 2008
hello dear batchmates.studying hard? you aren't supposed to see this till your O's are over. LOL. but if you happen to see this... JIAYOU! :D (awww) touched? whahaha. LOLOL. band's a bore without you guys manxz. :( i feel so out. cos they all announce only sec 1s, 2s and 3s. don't have sec 4s!!! D: attendence also dun have until i "complain" LOL. you know, i really dunno why i still go for band. o.o old liao still need to go. :(((((( ok lah, i think i entertain you enough already. go study ok!! NOW!! PS: so i'm gonna change the blog song to we're all in this together(graduation mix) since i have all the time in the world(ok, not so true, but free-er than last time). yeah, so... enjoy! ^^ high school musical 3 cast - We're all in this together(graduation mix)♥ Sharlene. :D |