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朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() now playing
朋友 - 周华健archives
![]() Saturday, December 27, 2008
Hellos people.Sherilyn have kindly brought my attention about the 31st! Okay, I hope that it can do something successful for once. I need to know the number of people going before I can plan what we can do. This is because if we were to have countdown party, we need a place for us to stay right? A chalet now is no possible thus we need a person's house. (definitly not mine.) Therefore, I need to know two things. 1st, Who's family member is willing to accomodate us all. Let's take it that there will be 10 people because I guess some other's already have their own activity. 2nd, I need to know who already have activity that day and won't be able to join. Lastly, Get back to me asap? Note: It's all not comfirm. I am just asking. Please spread! Thursday, December 25, 2008
wooooo!its christmas! :D soooooo... merry christmas everyone!! Wednesday, December 17, 2008
well, this is a little late but still, i would consider this batch outing successful although the numbers dont really seem convincing.well, screaming was definitely heard. and there was loads of laughter. another batch outing soon? but, sorry, i wont be organising it. it'll have to be somebody else. >.< well, anyway, hope all of you had fun! :D Saturday, December 13, 2008
confirmed batch picnic at pasir ris park.meet at pasir ris interchange at 11.45am. those who want to meet me at hougang interchange a 11 please message me by today. thanks! xD and remember to wear 2006 band tee and bring 2007 band tee. and bring an extra set of clothes, with the 2007 band tee already included in it. dont forget the food or else there'll be nothing to it there! >.< if you do get lost, which is highly impossible since both meeting places are bus interchanges, please call me. ((: and of course, me is referring to sherilyn. :D Monday, December 08, 2008
heys people.sorry for the constant changing for the dates of the outing. just in case there's any confusion, the confirmed date is 15 dec. attendance is as follows: (those whose names are not in there or cant make it but your name is in it, please sms me asap.) 1) nigel - fried rice 2) yvonne - otah 3) minge - sushi & muffins 4) kaiyun - drinks 5) changqi - otah 6) elaine - sushi & muffins 7) sharlene - drinks 8) shanshan - jelly 9) felicia - sandwich 10) michelle - sausauge 11) june - nuggets 12) sherilyn - cookies 13) sinkuan - fried rice 14) jolyn - muffins 15) annfeng - beehoon 16) christine - beehoon 17) shihui - nuggets also, the food that you'll be bringing is also beside your name. if there are any discrepancies, please also sms me asap. thanks. other details such as time and venue to meet will be released soon. please check back for updates. lollll. yay, i'm here too! :D i dunno whether i should join alumni or not leh... :/ next year o levels. ah well, batch outing!!! D: 21st dec! can't wait! ♥♥♥ Hellos, it has been a long time since I last blog here. I don't know what brings me here in any case, I'm here! I think this is going to be a short one. The year 2008 is ending soon but our love for music will not end here right? Hahas. Thus, I urge everyone to join the alumini band! LOL! Since 2008 is ending, it meant 2009 is coming (lame!). Hope everyone will have a great year ahead! Hahas! Bye! |